
The Planet of the Golden Rose

The Arcturian Collective and Family (Sanat Kumara...The Fairies...Sananda...The Unicorn Race)

via Galaxygirl, Per Staffan April 23, 2018 - Sananda Website...

Arcturian Collective and family

Greetings, we are the Arcturian Collective. We come today to discuss the rapid changes that are heading your way and in some cases are already here on precious Gaia, and are changing you from deep within. For old time beliefs no longer ring true, do they not? And things that once brought you fear are now more of a neutral observance of detachment, yes? We see this as progress, improvement, for as you are less attached to this physical reality and become more of an observer in a movie around you, you can more objectively send tremendous love and amounts of violet fire to any and all situations – and be the master that you are, and that you came here to be. For much distraction exists in your realm. Business and constantly ‘doing’ are the fabric of your society, or has been, for so long, to keep you knotted up and distracted from finding that inner peace, your own god spark, that lies within you, that is eager to reconnect with you. And in this reconnection, you find your peace, you find yourself. For this is the hole in the heart, the longing, the void, that must, and can only be, filled with love, and in this case is the love of your own higher self, the very fabric of you. And now we see this fabric that has been torn as being mended, and becoming stronger, as one, glowing brightly, as your higher selves become more firmly attached and as you allow in more and more light. And we see this as a beautiful thing. We are the Arcturian Collective and we have enjoyed connecting with you today.

Hello friends, I am Sanat Kumara, Ancient of Days, here today to lend my love and light in support of both your collective and individual ascension. For humanity is undergoing many changes in this Now moment and it would be wise to anchor deep into Nova Gaia, Mother Earth, who is ascending as we speak, as you read these words too, you are ascending yet one notch higher. Life is a beautiful tapestry of color, of experience. Sometimes there are knots as new colors are changed out into the old, but all threads are anchored into the core foundation of the tapestry, as is what is being experienced now on your planet. Anchor into the grid of Nova Gaia, as you change your colors, your dimensions, and transmute all with the violet fire of St. Germaine, who is ever watching over you all as well, and an integral part of this ascension plan of Nova Gaia. We are all working tirelessly around the clock, even though we don’t have clocks! We are here for you, in support of you, our dear friends and family, who are here to serve, ever in support of you. So call on us. We are but a thought away. Your connecting to our realms is melding, merging, and this gives us tremendous pleasure and excitement. For you are coming home. Please remember home is within you. For you are consciousness, and you are beginning to remember this. Best claim this as your reality for this is the most probable timeline we see for you in your near future. The dark has lost. They know this and all is being dealt with accordingly. You do your part by anchoring the new light codes. Get out in the sun and anchor the light. Remember you have your own inner sun within your heart chakra that ever spins. It is like a solar battery now that is continually getting recharged by these tremendous waves of light and love from the Great Central Sun, the Devine Mother. We are all lending our light and love to you now. I am your Sanat Kumara.

We are the fairies, here for you humanity now, ever in this Now, to lend our love and light and laughter too; for all is love, all is light, and the realms are transcending, merging, becoming one, becoming light, becoming transmuted into bliss, into oneness, and we the elementals are finally becoming ever closer to our human friends and we are ever in support of you and this fills us with great glee as we dance with the unicorns, on the wings of the wind, in the dandelion fluff that drifts by and tickles your nose; we are all around you, we are all in and surrounding you in love, ever love, buoying you up like a bouy on the ocean for when the waves come it never sinks for long – it may bob a bit in the waves and the pressure, but it is ever afloat! and this is what we see on this side of time – we see time bobbing, bending, becoming more of a non-issue and this is greatly exciting, for it means that the dimensions are shifting and the old is falling away. The old is falling away, fallen, only to be redeemed and repurposed into the light of the light! The light and the breath of the Mother is all around you; let it into your precious cells of Source light and become that which you are, creator gods who are in the process of remembering, remembering who they are, and becoming delighted in the learning. We are the fairies an we are delighted to connect with our human friends again.

I am your brother Sananda! Greetings friends. You are exhausted, and I see this, but please know that your exhaustion and light lending have made a tremendous impact on planet earth and all is proceeding well. The winds of change are what you are experiencing. When a new planet is formed (do you remember?) there is always darkness before the light. There is always the chaos of the birth of the new; volcanoes, fog, lightening, wind. And then it calms down a bit and the plants take hold, and then the species come and an ecosystem begins. And this is where you are now. The volcanos the chaos are evident but the plants of newness of change, that repurpose the air and fill the atmosphere with healthy oxygen for new breath, this is what you are all doing, our light worker friends. You are laying the groundwork quite literally to ground in these new energies as you build, you create this new earth reality that will be unmatched, unparalleled in beauty and in purpose and in hope in this entire universe. Nova Gaia will be the example of true victory of true over coming and you humans will remember who you are. She will be called the planet of the Golden Rose, and the Milky Way will be renamed into the Golden Rose galaxy, so it has been foretold. And many of you remember this deep in your hearts from all of those exciting galactic meetings that you have attended and contributed most excellently to. Ha! Yes, even with ascension, even in the higher realms, we have meetings. But be encouraged they are for the most part fun. There is great camaraderie up here, in the higher realms and we long to bring this camaraderie to you. But when you reach for us, for me, you are building this bridge of friendship across the realms of time and space, of dimension, and we are creating the bridge across this space for humanity to follow. You are the way showers. The brick layers. The bridge builders. And we love you all so much. I embrace you, we love you and you are not alone. Let us build a firm foundation of Christed light deep into the heart of all of humanity and anchor it into the heart of Nova Gaia. Be at peace. Be at peace! All is well! All is unfolding. We’re just ironing out the creases right now. I love you. I am your Sananda.

I am Starlight of the Unicorn race. I am that I am, just as you are that you are. It is time that you recall this humanity, and claim your divine power back. For you are rising in these energies and you are empowered deeply in all ways from all angles and your success is assured. We see the light and the hope of promise in your eyes, and we see Source light reflecting back to us with hope and promise of a new experiences unfolding on Nova Gaia. A new experience that you are all in the process of creating, of being, of becoming. You friends are getting ready to fly. And fly high you will, like our pegasus friends, who glide effortlessly across time and dimension, so beautifully I might add, you too are doing this. You are dimension jumping every time you connect deep within you strip yourself away from the distractions of the surrounding illusion. You are becoming able to see through the illusion, which will bode well for coming civilizations and coming governmental changes that will be in place to best serve the all, the weaker ones, and only society structures that heal and help – not harm – will be allowed to coexist within this new high energy field that is beginning to become the fabric of your new reality. Many of you will be leaders in this, for in fact, you already are just by being here and reading these words you are contributing to new thought forms, new patterns of consciousness that will fertilize the new soil and help the new plants the new foundation to grow strongly as they absorb the light. The light is especially strong today. Can you feel it? Get outside and absorb and anchor friends, it will soothe your aches and pains from transmuting. Mother Earth is a mighty healer. Let her help you and share these vibratory codes with her as you connect. For in doing so you will be yet another bridge of healing and renewal. I am Starlight of the unicorn race. Connect with your unicorn self and claim your multidimensionality for it is real, I assure you. The illusion is stripping away quickly and soon this will become quite apparent to you. Form is but a thought form of itself. You are much more than this little human body reading these words, I assure you. You are loved. I depart in peace.

We are the Arcturian Collective and we have enjoyed connecting with you and with all of our friends and family today. We are all one of the light. We welcome you home.

5D Earth is here.

The Earth holds the temples of many star beings // she is a Sacred Planet and a Place of Spiritual Light and Sanctuary for the Galaxy // there are 2 Earths right now // in the same place // at the same time // just in different dimensions // alternate Earth 3D // New Earth  5D /  the New Earth was a sanctuary frequency // the Alternate Earth is  a chaotic place // // // those who are called to reactivate the Paradise Garden through the Paradise Codes.  They will reconnect with the Earth herself // the fairies // elementals /// new Diamond Crystalline frequency is grounded in you and through you // /// new Diamond Crystalline frequency is grounded in you and through the Earth // I love your heart for being sensitive enough to hear light beams // #fifthdimension #lightworker #starseed #starseeds #mtshasta #spiritual #spiritualawakening #5d #spiritual #ascension #newearth #starseeddreamschool #mtshastaspiritualtours #awakening

Pleiadian message


We are Here Now.

We Love You.

We are You, from your future, to assist YOU on your path.

Dear Ones, much is happening for your Human expression on a Cellular Level.

The Energies are still in the process of profound assisting with releasing, Healing and Integrating NEW Light Codes into your four lower bodies. (physical, emotional, mental and etheric.)

Remain focused on your center, which is your Inner Core of Light.

Simply slow things down as this process is moving through YOU.

You are being prepared for Massive SHIFTS into a Higher Reality.

Things will take off soon and You are BEing prepared for it.

KNOW that all is BEing orchestrated by your Higher SELF and I AM Presence.

Your Galactic Family of LIGHT is with You, holding Lovingly Space for your journey.

Your individual experience is Imperative for the Collective experience on your planet and for the Ascension of Earth.

KNOW that YOU came Here for a reason...

You wanted to contribute to this Momentous SHIFT of Earth into the Higher Dimensions.

Each of YOU in their own way...

Keep connecting to the SOURCE within YOU and the Love in your Heart...

We are holding the vision of the New Earth with you and from our vantage point it is Glorious.

We are with You, every step of the way.

You are Loved beyond measure.

We are with You... always. We LOVE You.

We are You. Namaste.


Channeled through Asara Adams <3

Pleiadian love


There is another Earth... and it is vibrating at a different frequency than this one, But in the Same Space and Time...

It is our 5D Earth...

Two days ago, the Pleiadians that I am in communication with ARRIVED in our Solar System. They are working Energetically with both the 5D planet and our own...

There is a probability that CERN was shut down in relation to this Event. I believe this to be an Energy War, so to speak, where Humankind is BEing pulled like a magnet by both 3D and 5D forces...

It is important to continue to meditate and purge out the old energies. Seek guidance from your Guides and Higher Selves to make the process easier...

The Event is Not date driven event, It Is a Vibration Driven EVENT...

What is currently taking place is that enough Souls have reached a vibration High enough to trigger the arrival of help from Outside of our World...

In Quantum Physics, everything exists in wave form until it is viewed. HUmans cannot see this 5D planet through the eyes of the physical body just yet because the dormant 3D energy of the body simply does not allow for it...

This is why it is necessary to lift your vibration... So That You Can See It...

Help Has Arrived...

In terms of a timetable, it will be over and done with by 2021 when the CERN collider comes back on. However, you will BE able to feel the 5D World in your Heart before hand by continuing to do your inner work...

The existing powers that be are well prepared for this and it will take a little time to get it all done in terms of a Physical Event...

First, the elevation of Consciousness Will Rise so that as many people as possible have the chance to contribute to its success...

The Higher the Collective vibration is, the quicker the Event will happen...

On 12/12, purging may BEcome more severe for some people...

Others will feel a stronger feeling of KUNDALINI...

Telepathic skills will BEcome more Pronounced...

Meditations will BEcome more Spontaneous and Colourful...

The Quality of Channeling will Improve...

Physical Sensations in the body will certainly BE Felt...

A Giant Hole has opened above the North Pole and Northern Europe. Energy coming through from the Sun is Transformational for Everyone on the planet...

Cold weather is necessary to reduce the resistance that energies like this have previously been met with...

Colder weather reduces the effectiveness of the 3D planet's defences against these NEW UPGRADES...

It will take approximately Three Months for these NEW Energies to fully circle the Globe, with the Northern Hemisphere BEing Affected first...

The cold weather will reduce the conflicts BEing experienced in the parts of the World where 3D energy is at its strongest...

Attention is Now BEing focused on the MOON where 3D energies are trying their hardest to prevent this from happening...


~ A PLEIADIAN Transmission

Channeled by Scott Dorman

All is love is all

Remember, dear ones, that everything we do on the Earth plane is always temporary and part of the passage of time, but whatever we become by embracing our Divine Nature remains with us for Eternity.

Live each moment of each day with the Conscious Awareness that you are a Divine Being of Light having a HUman experience.

Remember that we have chosen to come here at this time, in this incarnation, with the intention and determination to immortalize our body and our incarnation by fully embodying all the qualities of our Divinity.

We are Awaken to the Truth that we are pure SOURCE Energy Beigns Eternal, Infinite and Unconditional Love and we came to experience what it would be like to Ascend while in a Physical Body.

Message from the Pleiadians cloud ships


"If You See a Cloud that looks like a Starship, it is a Starship that looks like a Cloud!"

Greetings everyone. We, the Pleiadians and Arcturians are being called on by more and more of the BE-ings on Gaia to assist Humanity with their process of transmutation.

The first component of Self that you will transmute, will be your consciousness. Your consciousness is much more flexible and “transmutational” than your physical earth vessel.

Your physical earth vessel is limited to the third dimension. However, your consciousness, which is the combination of your thoughts and emotions, is more able to alter, enhance, and/or expand your frequency of consciousness.

You will know what frequency of consciousness that you are resonating to by the thoughts and emotions that work together to create your “state of consciousness.”

Your state of consciousness is the frequency of consciousness to which you resonate within the NOW of your daily life, as well as your sleeping, and/or meditating, states of consciousness. Your “state of consciousness/frequency of consciousness” is something over which you have control.

However, in order to control your state of consciousness, you will need to be a loving mentor to your many thoughts and emotions. We, your Pleiadian and Arcturian family, realize how very difficult your third-dimensional reality can be.

It is for this reason that we invite you all to come to our Starship, which is just beyond the tracking mechanisms of your third-dimensional machines. However, we are NOT beyond your third-dimensional imagination. Imagination is something that only humans have, and it is a component of your fourth and Fifth-Dimensional states of Consciousness.

Your “state of consciousness” is the frequency of the synaptic junctions within your physical brain, and it is greatly influenced by your reactions, and interactions, with your third-dimensional reality.

There are many challenges in your third-dimensional reality that do NOT exist within your Higher Dimensional Frequencies of Consciousness. Your Frequency, or state of Consciousness, determines what you choose to perceive in your outer third-dimensional reality, as well as the thoughts and emotions that exist within your Heart and mind.

The emotions that resonate to your Heart Chakra are more likely to direct your attention to be placed on that which you love and wish to experience. However, if you wish to have a certain experience of reality, you will need to go inside your own thoughts as what you think about, you bring about.

Therefore, to be the “Master of Your Reality” you must have a degree of “Mastery Over your Thoughts and Emotions.” What do we mean by the word “mastery over” in this situation? What we mean by “mastery over” is that you are able to have a degree of “mastery over” your self-judgment.

If you judge yourself and do not recognize it, which is often because you grew up with too much judgment in your childhood or even in your present life, “judgment” becomes “normal.” When a judgment is normal—whether it is self-judgment, or judgment from others—it is often because you grew up with judgment.

Blessings, we are your Galactic Family. We are here to assist you to assist Gaia.

Just ask for our guidance and we will remind you about “what you chose to DO to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension.


The Arcturians and your Galactic Family

Channeled through Suzanne Lie PhD <3 <3 <3


~ <3 ~

Photo: Pleiadian and Arcturian Cloaked StarShips captured Flying over Cape Town, South Africa by Kyle Mijlof