Message from the Pleiadians cloud ships


"If You See a Cloud that looks like a Starship, it is a Starship that looks like a Cloud!"

Greetings everyone. We, the Pleiadians and Arcturians are being called on by more and more of the BE-ings on Gaia to assist Humanity with their process of transmutation.

The first component of Self that you will transmute, will be your consciousness. Your consciousness is much more flexible and “transmutational” than your physical earth vessel.

Your physical earth vessel is limited to the third dimension. However, your consciousness, which is the combination of your thoughts and emotions, is more able to alter, enhance, and/or expand your frequency of consciousness.

You will know what frequency of consciousness that you are resonating to by the thoughts and emotions that work together to create your “state of consciousness.”

Your state of consciousness is the frequency of consciousness to which you resonate within the NOW of your daily life, as well as your sleeping, and/or meditating, states of consciousness. Your “state of consciousness/frequency of consciousness” is something over which you have control.

However, in order to control your state of consciousness, you will need to be a loving mentor to your many thoughts and emotions. We, your Pleiadian and Arcturian family, realize how very difficult your third-dimensional reality can be.

It is for this reason that we invite you all to come to our Starship, which is just beyond the tracking mechanisms of your third-dimensional machines. However, we are NOT beyond your third-dimensional imagination. Imagination is something that only humans have, and it is a component of your fourth and Fifth-Dimensional states of Consciousness.

Your “state of consciousness” is the frequency of the synaptic junctions within your physical brain, and it is greatly influenced by your reactions, and interactions, with your third-dimensional reality.

There are many challenges in your third-dimensional reality that do NOT exist within your Higher Dimensional Frequencies of Consciousness. Your Frequency, or state of Consciousness, determines what you choose to perceive in your outer third-dimensional reality, as well as the thoughts and emotions that exist within your Heart and mind.

The emotions that resonate to your Heart Chakra are more likely to direct your attention to be placed on that which you love and wish to experience. However, if you wish to have a certain experience of reality, you will need to go inside your own thoughts as what you think about, you bring about.

Therefore, to be the “Master of Your Reality” you must have a degree of “Mastery Over your Thoughts and Emotions.” What do we mean by the word “mastery over” in this situation? What we mean by “mastery over” is that you are able to have a degree of “mastery over” your self-judgment.

If you judge yourself and do not recognize it, which is often because you grew up with too much judgment in your childhood or even in your present life, “judgment” becomes “normal.” When a judgment is normal—whether it is self-judgment, or judgment from others—it is often because you grew up with judgment.

Blessings, we are your Galactic Family. We are here to assist you to assist Gaia.

Just ask for our guidance and we will remind you about “what you chose to DO to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension.


The Arcturians and your Galactic Family

Channeled through Suzanne Lie PhD <3 <3 <3

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Photo: Pleiadian and Arcturian Cloaked StarShips captured Flying over Cape Town, South Africa by Kyle Mijlof