
5D Earth is here.

The Earth holds the temples of many star beings // she is a Sacred Planet and a Place of Spiritual Light and Sanctuary for the Galaxy // there are 2 Earths right now // in the same place // at the same time // just in different dimensions // alternate Earth 3D // New Earth  5D /  the New Earth was a sanctuary frequency // the Alternate Earth is  a chaotic place // // // those who are called to reactivate the Paradise Garden through the Paradise Codes.  They will reconnect with the Earth herself // the fairies // elementals /// new Diamond Crystalline frequency is grounded in you and through you // /// new Diamond Crystalline frequency is grounded in you and through the Earth // I love your heart for being sensitive enough to hear light beams // #fifthdimension #lightworker #starseed #starseeds #mtshasta #spiritual #spiritualawakening #5d #spiritual #ascension #newearth #starseeddreamschool #mtshastaspiritualtours #awakening