All photographs provided by Paul of Venus


Welcome Star Seeds. Wecome home to a high frequency of love.


MT SHASTA Spiritual Tours / Mt Shasta Guide

   We have all been called down to planet earth with a very important soul star mission. a mission of unity, love and harmony.

You are here to light the way for all the humans on Earth. You are here to hold the frequency of love on this planet so that the ascension

will happen with ease and grace. My name is Paul of Venus. I’ve come to Earth to help raise the frequency to one of Venus frequencies. I am here to remind you of who you are, why you are here, and how to live on Earth. This is Many of our first lifetimes on Earth. We all Voluntered to come to Earth at this time to help the humans awaken. School is in session.

Venusian Star Ship

Venusian Star Ship

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Starseed dream school

is a home for all the star seeds on Earth to come together as one light. Mt. Shasta is a very powerful doorway. She allows access to 5th dimensional messages and entry ways. Our time together will be spent at powerful vortexes and portals on Mt. Shasta to receive the purest light codes and activations. To be Eligabe for Star Seed Dream School you must be between 16-20 years young and have spiritual star gifts for the Earth.

I am also offering private Star Seed commuications / Transmissions via phone call.

  • Relationship advise.

  • Who is feeling and why ?

  • How to live on Earth.

  • How to use your gifts in society.

  • Embody your Ascended Master self

  • Activating your Spiritual Star Seed gifts.

  • How to Protect your Heart.

  • Use your Star seed Gifts to raise the Earths Frequency

This business operates under special use permit with the Shasta-Trinity National Forest

Mt. Shasta Spiritual Tours is Fully Insured

mt Shasta Spiritual Tours / Mt Shasta Guide / Star Seed Dream School
Mount Shasta

Mount Shasta


thank you starseeds for helping raise the frequency of the earth

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O n l y L o v e i s R e a l


To book your Star Seed Dream School , a 50% downpayment is required. Deposit is non-refundable but fully transferable to other dates.

Energy Exchange


Paul of Venus Mt. Shasta Vortex Tours

Paul of Venus

mt Shasta Spiritual Tours / Mt Shasta Guide / Star Seed Dream School

Paul Of Venus

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