star seed

Saint Germain happy thanks giving wishes to all

The violet flame is the essence of one of the "seven rays." Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism is refracted into the seven colors of the rainbow, so spiritual light manifests as seven rays. Each ray has a specific color, frequency and quality of God's consciousness. The violet ray is known as the seventh ray.

When you invoke it in the name of God, it descends as a beam of spiritual energy and bursts into a spiritual flame in your heart as the qualities of mercy, forgiveness, justice, freedom and transmutation.

Saint Germain is known as the Lord of the Seventh Ray. Each time we pray to him, he brings us many gifts of the Spirit-his joy, diplomacy and creativity. He can inspire us with his innovations in science, literature, religion, government, philosophy, education, healing, alchemy and other fields.

For almost seventy years, Saint Germain has been preparing us to enter into the age of Aquarius, an era of peace, freedom and enlightenment. He appeared to Guy Ballard in the early 1930s and gave him the first teaching on the violet flame.

Saint Germain said that after centuries of keeping the knowledge of the violet flame secret, the Masters had decided to release its use to the public during this crucial time. Saint Germain has said, "The use of the violet consuming flame is more valuable to you and to all mankind than all the wealth, all the gold and all the jewels of this planet." (The Voice of the I AM January 1941 p.20)

The violet flame works a little like soap. Soap gets dirt out of your clothes by using the positive and negative charges of atoms. It works because each of its molecules has two sides-a side that is attracted to dirt and a side that is attracted to water. The dirt-loving side attracts the dirt, like a magnet attracts paper clips when it is dragged through a box of them. The water-loving side sticks to the water, carrying the dirt with it.

When we invoke the violet flame, it sets up a polarity between the nucleus of the atom and the white-fire core of the flame. The nucleus, being matter, assumes the negative pole; the white-fire core of the violet flame, being Spirit, assumes the positive pole.

The interaction between the nucleus of the atom and the light in the violet flame establishes an oscillation. This oscillation dislodges the densities that are trapped between the electrons orbiting the nucleus. As this hardened substance that weighs down the atom is loosened, it is thrown into the violet flame and carried away.

But unlike soap, the violet flame does not simply surround and remove the debris; it transforms it into pure light-energy. Freed of this debris, the electrons begin to move more freely, thus raising our vibration and propelling us into a more spiritual state of being.

People do notice a spiritual and physical difference when they use the violet flame. But what actually happens when we repeat the words of a violet-flame decree?

I can give you two perspectives on this-the spiritual perspective as it has been revealed to me by the Ascended Masters and a scientific perspective based on recent developments in physics and medicine. Both explanations involve the concept of vibration.

In physics, vibration is the speed at which something moves back and forth, or oscillates. As I understand it, at a spiritual level vibration is also the rate of spin of the electrons as they move around the nucleus of the atom. As we will see, these definitions may not be far apart.

We each have four bodies that are envelopes of our soul: (1) the physical body, which we can see and touch; (2) the desire, or astral, body, which contains our emotions; (3) the mental body, which is our conscious mind; and (4) the etheric, or memory, body, which contains the memories of all of our past lives. The violet flame works on these four lower bodies by changing the rate of their vibration.

Saint Germain has given us the violet-flame decree:



When you recite this and other violet-flame decrees, the violet flame permeates every cell and atom of your body, into your mind, your emotions, your subconscious and your memory.

What does the violet flame do when it permeates your atoms? The Masters have given the following explanation.

We all know that atoms are mostly empty space. If an atom were the size of a basketball, its nucleus would still be too small for our eyes to see. Yet 99.9 percent of the mass of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus, leaving the rest of that basketball as empty space, inhabited solely by electrons, which weigh very little. All that empty space between the nucleus and the edge of the atom is where discord and negative energy can become stuck.

At the cellular and molecular level, this substance appears as dust, soot, tar or even cement. The Masters have used the illustration of someone taking a pail of molten tar and pouring it over a barrel full of marbles. The space between the marbles gets gummed up by the tar running down, and soon the whole mass is welded together.

The Masters tell us that when our physical and spiritual bodies become clogged by negative energy and karma, it slows down the vibration of the electrons in our four lower bodies. We then begin to resonate more with negativity and less with the pure cosmic energy that comes from our God Presence, and eventually we can become ill. The more substance there is in our four lower bodies, the lower our rate of vibration and the more burdened we become. Spiritually, this is why people die.

If you have studied acupuncture and yoga, you know that optimum health comes when spiritual energy is flowing freely through our bodies. When karmic substance solidifies, it's like the hardening of the arteries of our spiritual bodies. When we resonate with this negativity, we will gradually become it unless we do something to turn ourselves around.

The violet fire transmutes anything negative that is lodged anywhere in your spiritual or physical being. This includes everything from kernels of self-hatred to physical viruses. When the violet flame goes to work, it passes through the clogged spaces between the electrons and the nuclei. It ejects these particles of dense substance from your body and dissolves them. This process transmutes the negative energy into positive energy and restores it to its native purity.

Message from the Stars

Message from The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light through Asara Adams - November 10, 2018.

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Dear One, we are most joyously observing your ascension journey and we are here to tell you that you are doing so very well.

The integration of your higher aspects is in progress and every day, you will be able to connect with them more and more.

It is important who you really are...

A being of light that has chosen to explore this earth plane for a little while for the purpose of co-creation and the expansion of Source energy.

The only way Source energy can expand is experiencing a reality, ask for the improvement of the reality and then, allowing for the new and improved reality to line up with your experience.

You are an expression of Source and therefore, you came here to create new realities with every moment of your life.

These realities are ever changing.

Nothing is permanent.

Every moment is changing into a new reality.

Thankfully, realities are always fluid and nothing is permanent, as it contains a great potential for all good things to come into your experience. as unpleasant manifestations are only temporary as well.

This allows you to learn and become more aware of the fact that you are creating your reality.

Things keep getting better and better, even if it doesn't always look that way...

When you are able to look beyond the illusion and continue to focus unwavering on what you wish to create, you are experiencing your desired reality sooner.

Everything is simply an experience and you came here to have many different experiences.

The only constant in all of this is that you are an expression and extension of Source and that this Divine Light and Love is always within you...

We are holding the vision of the New Earth with you and from our

vantage point it is glorious.

We are with you, every step of the way.

You are loved beyond measure.

We are with you... always. We love you.

We are you. Namaste."


~ Asara Adams

Founder of The Telos Channel

Trance-channel for

Adama of Telos

Archangel Michael and

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light

11:11:11 Portal of Love





11.11.18  PORTAL FRIDAY 11-4 PM




contact me

Energy exchange is $144 per person. 

11/11/ The Colors of Love

How to Embody the Incoming Angelic Frequencies for the New Earth


Beloved Earth Family, we know that this has been a tumultuous time on your Earth, and that many of you have found it difficult to keep moving forward.  As you move towards the completion of the year 2018, you will find that there will be a “completion” of many things that you no longer require in your lives moving forward to the New Earth.  These may be things such as people and relationships, jobs, homes or even places that you were once drawn to.  But be assured, beloved ones, that new light and new blessings are moving in to take their place as you move to enter into 2019.

You are now approaching the powerful 11/11 Time Gate and Galactic Portal of Initiation that occurs on the 11th of November.  And this year, the portal resonates with the number 11/11/11, which makes it a Triple Energy Master Portal.  Which of course means that the energies that will be moving through will be very intense and powerful and will give you that extra “lift” that you need to move your Time Spiral into the New Earth Frequencies. 

On this Triple Energy Master Portal you will be “upgrading” your Light Body/Physical Body so that you may receive more clearly the incoming Angelic Frequencies of Light that will be manifesting the New Earth Reality. 


The Angelic Frequencies of Light and how to Embody Them in your Daily Life 

In the last year, the intensity and frequency of the incoming Light Codes has intensified. 

You are now in a time of “Solar Minimum” where Solar Flares have been all but absent in your Planet’s Solar weather system.  This has allowed for deep Galactic transmissions such as the Diamond Light Codes to take the main role in establishing the New Earth and guiding the ascension process through changes in the Light Body and the Physical Body. 

Now, the very High Frequency “Angelic Light Frequencies” are coming through from the Galactic Center and are assisting you to raise your consciousness to that level where you can manifest New Earth in your reality. 

These Angelic Light Frequencies are Waves of soft and luminescent plasma energy that expresses itself as waves of beautiful color that encodes Divine Love as well as information for Transformation and Ascension. 

The Angelic Light Frequencies can be experienced as color, but also as sound harmonics and as waves or “symbols” or hieroglyphs known as “the language of light” or the original Angelic Fire Codes of Creation. 

Beloved Ones, as you spiral higher into the New Earth frequencies, you will embody these Angelic Frequencies and you will become transmitters of the Codes that they carry.  You will also learn that these Frequencies carry Healing Energies, and you will become aware of how to work with these energies and codes to bring healing and balance for yourself and those around you. 

The way to embody these frequencies in your daily life is to become aware of these “waves” of Divine Light and then to be able to intuit the colors and the sounds and the symbols so that you can bring balance where it is lost and healing where it is needed. 

Soon you will also begin to “see” them with your physical eyes, and will become aware of the “shimmer” of Angelic Frequency when the waves move through the various portals and gates.  If you are more attuned to the sound levels, you may begin to hear sounds and music, and if you are more attuned to light language you may begin to see symbols or hear languages or be moved to begin to express them through your body in dance movements. 

It is important to embody the “heart and soul” of these frequencies because in the lower levels they create disruption and chaos.  That is their purpose, to disrupt what is old and no longer needed and to create space for the New.  So, in your life you can either be disrupted and swirl in the chaos, or you can step into your Mastery and be the New Light Codes and express the Energy of the New Earth and of the New Creations. 

At this time on your Earth there are no “neutral” spaces, for the changes and transformations are too intense.  It is time to take your place and make your choices and to embody the incoming Angelic Frequencies as a Master of Embodied Light!


The Physical and Light Body Transformations 

Beloved Family, in order to better accommodate the flow and integration of the new Angelic Light Frequencies, the Light Body and Physical Body have had to undergo certain adaptations. 

Firstly, the Pineal gland has been “enlarged” and restructured on the energy level to enable more light and frequency to be shared between the Physical Body and the Light Body. 

These adaptations to the Pineal Gland also allow for the establishment of an energetic structure around the head that is known as “the Crown of Gold”.   This structure carries the Gold Light of the Christ Consciousness and holds it in place from the Soul Star Chakra and into the Crown Chakra, forming a Bridge of Light between the Soul and the Physical aspects of Self. 

While you are undergoing this transformation you may feel symptoms in the head area, especially at the Pineal area at the base of the skull, and in the head and sinus and even down to the jaw and teeth.  This can range from pressure to intense pain as the body adapts to this new flow of light energy. 

The increased Pineal flow also affects the Pituitary and the Thymus and Thyroid glands.  The increase of energy at these areas will also possibly increase symptoms and discomfort in the throat and in the spine at the upper back. 

But know, Beloved ones, that as these energies are integrate and as the body becomes more comfortable with the new flows, your creativity and your ability to manifest will greatly increase. 

Now is truly the time to begin creating your New Earth!


The Colors of Love 

Each of these waves of Energy Plasma light that comes through the portals of Earth carries its own message of Love, Compassion and Creativity.  Each of these waves has its own color and sound frequencies and its own set of Codes in the Angelic Language of Light. 

Developing the intuitive ability to see and hear these waves of color, sound and code will greatly enhance our ability to integrate the waves of energy and to share the Angelic Frequencies with others as a healing and balancing modality. 

We will be able to “ride” the waves in a conscious way, working with the frequency and message of the wave rather than just being tossed around in the chaos and suffering in the disintegration and disruption of the waves passage. 

Beloved Ones, we invite you to celebrate the incoming waves of light, color and sound and to work with the Codes and the Language of Light as you Master the flows of Divine Consciousness that are building the New Earth in your Reality. 

We wish you a joyous passage through the 11/11/11 Portal and a creative time of Manifestation and Love.

Messsge from the Pleiadians



Dear Ones,

We are the members of your Pleiadian family. Some of you who will read this message may be wondering why you have been experiencing challenges, and/or fears. On the other hand, some of you may be have a wonderful day.

However, if you can realize that your “state of consciousness” has a great deal to with your own inner self, you will feel more in control of the situation. Then any fears or angers can be perceived, not as a bad day, but as a personal challenge to adjust your state of consciousness into a higher sense of your own SELF.

In this manner, you will have a better chance of becoming the Master of your emotions. Being the Master of your emotions, does not mean that you do not feel difficult emotions such as fear, anger, confusion, etc. Being the Master of your Emotions usually means that you take a moment to find a way to leave that difficult situation and go inside to have a talk with your SELF.

It is this manner that YOU can become the Master of your Emotions. What we mean by being the “master of your emotions,” is that you are the Master of your emotions and your emotions are NOT the Master of you. Your emotions are messages to you brain that are telling you what your body and mind are “really” feeling, instead of what they “should be feeling.”

Emotions are not good or bad. Emotions are messages from your mind and your body. If you see that the gasoline gage is very low, you do not need to be upset. You have a choice to say, “OK getting gasoline comes first.” Or, you can become angry and upset with yourself, or even upset with the car that “NOW you have to get gasoline!”

Once you have a state of Mastery over your emotions, you will begin to realize that emotions are a non-verbal way that your body, and or your mind, can give you important information. If one has gained some mastery over their emotions, they can be perceived as bringers of important information.

Your body does not speak English, or whatever your primary language is. However, your body does speak emotions. If you allow yourself to be “non-reactive” to your emotions, and listen carefully, you will greatly expand your sense of SELF and your interactions with your daily life.

Then you will feel much stronger and more in control of your reality. It is helpful if you are able to chose to believe that YOU chose the experience your emotions because they give you important information.

For example, the emotion of fear has a purpose of preparing you to expand your consciousness, and focus on your vision and hearing in a clearer and more directed manner. In fact, fear, will direct your attention to something that you may not have noticed before. Then, if there is danger, your vision, hearing, and body is ready to totally focus on that situation.

We bring this topic up today because your reality is ready to expand more and more beyond the limitations of the third dimensional daily life, and into the greater focus, courage and alignment with your fourth dimensional reality.

We, your Pleiadian Family, are telling you to perceive fear as a message instead of an enemy. Yes, if there is actually an enemy, then fear will prepare your body for battle. On the other hand, sometimes you may experience fear when you perceive, and/or come into contact with something that is very different.

If you allow yourself to react, rather than focus on the situation, you may misjudge what is occurring and create a difficult situation rather than an important situation. We, your Pleiadian Family, are giving you this information to prepare you for the increased sightings of our Starships that you may be having, or have already had.

Some people may look directly at one of our Starships and choose NOT to perceive it, even when others may be saying, “Hey, look! There is a Starship.” We, your Pleiadian family, want you to know that we are here to assist you during the extremely challenging NOW of preparing the humans of Earth for our “First Landings.”

Of course, we Pleiadians have been landing on Earth for longer than you could remember, but we always remained cloaked. However, now we wish to tell you that if you see a cloud that looks like a Starship, it is actually a Starship that is cloaked to look like a cloud.

There have increasingly been television shows and movies about our landing that are NOT based on fear. For that we are very grateful. The fact that humanity is now able to talk about Starships and Galactic Beings with curiosity rather than fear, is also a sign the humanity is beginning to awaken to the fact that Earth is NOT the only planet that has life forms.

In fact, we can perceive by our different manners of observing Earth that more and more humans are becoming increasingly ready to accept that fact that, no only are there other planets that are inhabited, but many of beings of these planets look very humanoid, and are member of Earthlings Galactic Family.

“Why don’t you land now?” we hear you ask. The answer is because there is not yet a higher enough percentage of humans who would be able to welcome us with love and love. In fact, instead, they would shoot up bombs, which would only fall back to Earth and destroy their own planet Earth.

As those of you who are awake know, Gaia has MANY “planetary health issues,” which are about 99% because of Humanity. We, your Galactic Family, do NOT want to frighten you, but we will NOT allow Gaia to be destroyed by the very inhabitants of Her body that will be the ones to destroy Her.

If you have not noticed, Gaia has been quite upset lately, because She is have more and more difficulty recovering from the deep wounds that humanity has left on, and inside, Her Planetary Body. It is the NOW for Humanity to expand their consciousness into the Higher Fourth and Fifth Dimensions.

Once you feel that you have moved into a Higher Frequency of Consciousness, which allows you to have a more empowered sense of your SELF worth, your sense of SELF will become increasingly fourth dimensional. With a fourth dimensional SELF esteem, you will feel more creative, confident, and able to explore the next frequency of reality.

If you have had a great day and feel good about your Self, you WILL see our Starship. In fact, you will rush home and take your family to exact place that you saw our Ship and happily share your experience. “Take me aboard!” the children will happily cry. “Not yet,” we will answer, “but we can come into your dream world.

Of course, most humans will not hear our response, but it is the children who will likely be the first ones to see us. You are all aware of your third dimensional life, as that is the reality you have been living. However, the children will be the first ones to be able to “believe” that they are actually seeing our Ships.

Children are usually much more in-touch with their fourth dimensional perceptions. They are the most aware of the “reality of their imagination,” and they are most inclined to remember the dream they had about a very tall, very nice being in a blue suite with light skin and blond hair.

Whereas adults may be frightened, children are more inclined to be excited. They are also the ones who will remember the “dream” they the other day about those nice people who talked to them about their Starship and life on a different planet.

They do not become afraid of our conversation. Instead, they can’t wait to draw a picture of it or play Starships with their friends. That is they will do these things is their parents are not too frightened by another reality. “I can barely handle this reality?” they may say. “How could I ever handle another reality too?”

Little do they know that many of them are, indeed from “another reality” to which they return on a regular basis—but they FORGET! What if adults were as opened and creative as children? What if adults could remember their own childhood experiences and the great dream of Starships they had last night?

What if humanity was able to BE their True Multidimensional SELF and Gaia was dearly loved and cared for by ALL Her Human residents.

Now that is a great dream to have at night, as well as in the daytime.

What if you were the Master of your Reality? What reality would you Choose?

Blessings from your Galactic Family. Give us a call.

We ARE here NOW!


Channeled through Suzanne Lie PhD <3 <3 <3


As new high frequency thought waves replacing  the old way of being, the human way. thinking and perceiving, your heart becomes the the only way filter or awareness YOU function through. This takes place through you AS the expanded Ascended YOU

The grounding takes place in the Etheric Body of Light  not tied to the memory or attached to the form in 3D consciousness.

We ground to the essence of things

This will FEEL new and is directionless in the sense that this will not have attachments to 3D.

Your current thought process connected to old beliefs and 3D, will not understand any this.

Your used to anchoring points (your fall back mental places) built on memory storage and access to this through your reactive reference states ARE dissolving. There will be no familiar anchors to latch on to.

Only love 

Only the invisible things 

The only reality