Mt shasta spiritual Tours


So here we are at the 12:12 Portal.

Powerful Light Code energies are streaming through today to prepare us for the major shifts that are coming as we move towards the Solstice (21:12).

If you are experiencing Ascension symptoms such as dizziness and excess energy and exhaustion, just be aware that this is because right now our Light Bodies are all lit up like Xmas trees!

We are streaming and transmitting the new Diamond Light Codes from the Galactic Center to encode the information of the New Earth into the Planetary grids. It looks absolutely marvelous and beautiful to the eyes of Spirit, but is a bit rough on the physical body that is not used to such intense flows of Divine Light.

Just remember that we are an essential part of the shifts and changes that are part of our Evolution, and take good care of yourself at this time.

Divine Blessings are descending on us on this 12:12. The Angelic number frequencies suggest that the Great Mother is pouring out manifest blessings on us as we enter into the energy of the "6"..........Sacred Union or the merger between our Higher Self/Soul and our Physical Being.

I wish you a blessed and light filled day on this 12 : 12 Portal.

by Celia Fenn <3 <3 <3

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Photo: Brilliant “Fire Rainbow” Phenomenon Spotted Over Coast of South Carolina by Carola Rich Williams