Mt. Shasta Vortex Tours

What if we lived knowing, that this and that ~ perceived as suffering was just the mind existing in its scenarios and attachments, connected to a dimension that experienced itself in time.

As if spinning and spinning on a never-ending ride at a park.

Until one day we wake up and recognize we are not that experience and that the ride, can end.

Then we LIVE as our awareness that observes what has taken place.

That we connected to being the stories of the mind. The pain, the suffering.

What happens when the pain stops and when we fully realize, we were never that.

What then has taken place?

We have let go of identifying as being ~ THAT which takes place through us ~ as interpreted BY the mind, that only exists as an experience in time.

We then have freed ourselves from perceived limitations.

Those limitations being fear of experiencing impending threats in time.

Then we see what the game really was.

It was about us letting go of an outdated mode of attachment to living as if we were the mind.

That functioned through a limitation existing in what appeared as a never-ending cycle through which the mind existed as a dimension of experience through time.

We are limitless.


Book your Mount Shasta vortex tour. Connect with Saint Germain, Sanat kumara , your angels and star families.