the new earth


Sept 23-27


Welcome to the world you imagine 

In your dreams. The 5th dimensional 

worlds you came from. Our mission

Is to hold these higher realms and be paradise on Earth. This is a moment 

of joy, a moment of unity with who we are.

Oneness with the unicorns, ascended masters , our galactic family, angels. 

We will be entering bliss consciousness,

pure reality. We will be a star on Earth. 

As we celebrate the oneness and be The New Earth being. 

Ascended Master Saint Germain is the new planetary Logos

Here to bring in the Golden age

join us as he shares Venusian technology

To awaken you

into pure reality


 open your eyes as the New Earth Being

Communicate with star beings. We will call the starships at night from Mt Shasta in oneness

Remember how to enter pure reality 

Telepathic connections 

Venusian energy healing and activations

by Paul of Venus 

Enter the 5th dimension at high frequency portals on Mt Shasta.

Enter the first city of the New Earth in Mt Shasta

Connect with our Lemurian friends and family 

Remember how to create a field of energy around you 

Enter the Silence

Embody paradise 

A collective experience of living the new earth now 

3 organic meals daily

Choice of Arcturian healing / deep tissue /sacred womb massage 

New Earth Intention Ceremony

Venusian Crystal Alchemy Sound Baths 

Morning practices of gentle stretch, 

New Earth Breathe , yoga

the venusian retreat house


the new earth Retreat $1888

50% deposit required to book.
No refunds. All dates are transferable to available days.

Click below to book Retreat and or accommodations if available.

Optional Lodging @The Venusian

Star Fairy Suite: 2 Twin Trundle Beds, Sleeps 4, Top Twin $111, Bottom Twin $77

Golden Venusian Suite: 2 Twin Canopy Beds, Sleeps 2, Twin $122

Sun Goddess Suite: 1 Queen, 1 Twin Futon, Sleeps 3, Queen $144 , Futon $88

Rose Angel Suite: 1 Queen, 1 Twin Futon, Sleeps 3, Queen $144 , Futon $88