Photo of Saint Germain at Panther Meadows

I was at Panther Meadows on Mt Shasta. After meditating by a mountain stream and flowers. I opened my eyes and i was covered in snowflakes. I felt all the dimensions coming together. An omnipresent now moment opening my heart so huge. There were flowers, Snow, Icicles on the tall grass, and streams in the meadow all at the same time. I felt 5th dimentional love. I started to take pictures because it was so magical and beautiful. It felt like Venus. Pure Love Frequencies.

After i got home i began to zoom into the photos. There was Saint Germain towards the left, at the end of the meadow. You can see his eyes, his face, hair, violet robe, hand, and a violet radiance around him. This image radiates his love. Its so strong. This image emenates with his pure light. This image is an activation.

During these times on Earth. We are entering a New Earth. We are being supported by the Ascended Masters, Angels, and your Star Families. I received a message from Saint Germain 3/21/2020 “ The time is now to share my image with the world.” As we enter the age of aquarious and we are in a global ascension process. His light will activate what is needed inside of you.

Saint Germain told me in 2017 that we would be communicating with me in differnt ways then he has with others in the past. One of these ways is through photos. I feel him in my heart and i begin to take photos and there is the violet light.

This photo is the first known Photo that Saint Germain has materialized in.

You will receive a large jpeg of the full image and a cropped image as well. This will allow you to make any size prints you like. The photo is copy written. All Copyright 2019 Laws apply.

This photo is only for you. Do not make copies for anyone else. It’s for those who are ready for this high vibrational energy. Thank you for your love on Earth.

May it illuminate your soul and your home,

Forever love,

Paul of Venus

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The New Earth

“Ti amasi velo asiamia sheasa ishael” ••

Venusian light language by Paul of Venus 3/19/20 Mt Shasta ••

This activates Your star families protective energy shield Around you• Use this daily•We also connect with Ashtar Command • and Sanat Kumara With these sounds •

••••••••••• Blessed ones of the earth You are neeeded more then ever To stand in your mastery You are all masters Create the new Earth What do you want to be doing In the new Earth ? Will you paint With light ? Will you be a healer ? A teacher ? One who is part of the New government of light. • It’s magic all of it It’s love all of it Unconditional #mountshasta #mtshasta #ascension #starseed #starseeds #spiritual #spiritualactivities #coronavirus #healing #healinglight #ascension #ascendedmasters #starbeings #5d #fifthdimension #thenewearth #5dearth #saintgermain #sanatkumara #lightlanguage #venus



Play // Once in a lifetime // You turn to light // It’s love all of it // Unconditional // All across the sky // Play with stars and clouds and trees // Play with light , color and sound // Play with telepathy, transmutation and love // Play in love // Play in Love in love in love // Play with grace, compassion and multidimensional travel // Play with Angels, Ascended Masters and galactics // As love loving love // Love loving love // Love loving love // Play // // ••// An Arcturian Starship over Mt Shasta //

Arcturian Starship over Mt Shasta

Arcturian Starship over Mt Shasta

Life on Venus

Life on Venus On Venus we use telepathy to communicate. We don’t have names. We are known by a sound feeling vibration and colors. We use names for people from Earth to make it easier to Connect with one of us on Venus. On Venus Since the time you are born your know who you are. We have schools outside by fields Of rainbow flowers. Colors not invented on Earth yet. On Venus we manifest food, shelter, clothing, crystals with our hearts. Using pure Source consciousness. There are no wars, judgements, or any of the low frequencies that are on Earth. Life on Venus is in the 5th dimension. Our bodies are light bodies. We are one with God. There is nothing for us but to serve the one. On Venus I am a light surgeon. The one you know as Jesus is called Ascended Master Sananda. He is brothers with Ascended Master Sanat Kumara of Venus. When Sananda was on Earth and crucified for showing people how to ascend. We brought his body to Venus. As he is from Venus as well. I helped to heal his body using light surgery on Venus. We have been together on many planets. Space travelers Sanat Kumara , Saint Germain, Sananda and Paul of Venus. During these times You are going thru on Earth. This transition from controlled corrupt government systems to a government of light. A new light will shine and sing in the universe. This will be a beacon of hope for all other people in other dimensions space or time. We from Venus love the Earth. We have seeded the planet with bumble bees , and unicorns. We have offered free energy ( not accepted by your government ). We seeded the planet with human dna. There were other star beings that also contributed from the plieadies, Andromeda and more. A new golden age is coming upon the Earth. It’s seed is within each of your hearts. Plant your seed and make a beautiful garden of harmony and permanent peace within. Surrender all your fears to source. Know you are safe. You are eternal. Sending each of you my Venusian love light Paul of Venus #mtshasta #mountshasta #venus #5d #fifthdimension #starseed #starseeds #ascension #lightworker #spiritual #being #awake #ascendedmasters #sanatkumara #sananda #saintgermaindepres


Mt Shasta the Mountain of Venus

Mount Shasta // a direct doorstep and elevator to the Higher Realms //


Gateway to Heavenly Energies //

The Lords of the Suns of Venus, the Kumaras, enter through Mount Shasta /

Greatest Stoerhouse of the Violet Flame //

Mount Shasta was chosen by Venus as a Gateway to her Sons

and the Flames of Venus //

Sanat Kumara Ascended Master 

And the Great Goddess of Venus Ascended Master Venus 

sometimes hold meetings or conferences at this Etheric Retreat //

The Eternal Rose of the HEART //
inside Mount Shasta //

Mount Shasta shall become the Heartbeat of Venus //

She will regulate the Rhythm of the Mountain to Her Heatbeat //

Mount Shasta will become the greatest Focus Point for the Greatest Love Supreme of the Empress of Venus, FOCUS of LOVE //

Mount Shasta the GREAT LOVE Mountain ♾

Mt Shasta Gateway to Venus

Mt Shasta Gateway to Venus

Venusian Light Language : Erasing cellular memories. By Paul of Venus

Venusian light language Erasing cellular memories 3/7/2020 Paul of Venus

Kili tasa mi yeshu sa // 

Sheamo seasa // 

Sif a mo // 

Liasha tiA masi // 


Infusing your cells 

With pure golden god light //

Dissolving negative memories //

Changing light streams from human reactions to source cause and reactions // 

At cellular and DNA levels // 

I am // 

You are neutral love // 


Universe Eyes

you got Universe eyes  // universe eyes // galaxies inside you // unconditional // in a field of love // in a field of you // running thru the grass // before time Began // You are only love // in this omnipresent now // in this omnipresent love // I will hold u in // I will love u in // as all the stars are melting into you // I will hold you in // a paradise of now // paradise is now // in forevers dream // I will love you in // 


Saint Germain And Sanat Kumara

Mount Shasta is home to 2 of my most beautiful friends. Mount Shasta is a mountain of light. Saint germain is very present here as we enter the New Ascended 5D Earth. He is here to guide us into the Golden age. Mt Shasta was named after Ascended Master Sanat Kumara from Venus. He was called Shasta when he came to save the Earth from destruction billions of years ago. Mount Shasta was named after him . He now works with Shambala over the Gobi desert and Mt Shasta in the West.
Mt Shasta truly is Heaven light.
The union of all that we are, of all we ever have been. Only love. 💜

Mt Shasta Spiritual Tours

Mt Shasta Spiritual Tours