Venusian Goddess Retreat 2022


Venusian Goddess Retreat 2022




June 23-26 2022

The Goddesses from the Ascended Master realms have called this gathering together.
The Goddess of love invites you to a

5th dimensional experience of love.

Join Paul of Venus & Jennifer of Venus as we enter the higher realms, guiding you into bliss consciousness.

A Divine feminine embodiment humanity called for help and you volunteered to come from the stars. You hold a frequency needed on Earth now.

Together we will journey through & experience:

Venusian Womb Activations

  • Venusian Twin Flame Technology

  • Embodiment of all your multidimensional aspects. Human trauma, childhood fears, the perfect being of light that you are, knowing God

  • Light Crystal Activations

  • Connection to Lady Venus, Mary Magdalene, Isis, Saint Germain, Sanat Kumara, Ascended Master Yeshua

  • Opening the multidimensional portal of your spiritual heart

  • Radiating the Goddess frequency, manifesting the Pink Diamond Ray of innocence

  • Light code downloads from sacred portals and vortexes on Mt Shasta.

  • Rememberance who you are, your star lineage & families

  • Venusian Sound Healing

  • Intuitive light language painting

  • Bodywork Massage

  • Sacred Fire & Cacao ceremony

  • Morning Breathwork/Stretch

  • 3 Organic Meals Daily

Event will be held at the Venusian

Retreat house with view of Mt Shasta.

We will visit vortexes and receive activations on the mountain.

June 23th start time 3:33 pm

June 26th end time 4:44 pm

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